Monday, December 7, 2009

I'm going to be posting videos and updated people on my day this way for now on. I will be writing down a few thing if i forget to say them in the video. But this is easier and a pretty neat way to interact with people who follow my blog and my group on facebook.

Hope you enjoyed the video, i will like i said be posting another one tomorrow. Giving a full background into what i ate for the day and my plans for the rest of the week. If anyone has a comment or question feel free to email me, or post on facebook or blogger. Thanks.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Week 6: Update

DO YOU WANT THIS? That is the question i ask myself a few times a day, and the answer is always yes. Not to long ago the answer was "i don't care, I'm happy right now and everyone likes me". When i came to the point of no return i asked myself that very question, "do you want to live, or do you want to slowly fade away and die?" It was not about looking good, or having ripped abs, or biceps like that kid in Twilight. It was about life or death, it was no longer a "who cares" kind of attitude. If i did not make that choice it wouldn't have been myself i was letting down, it would have been everyone who has ever told me I'm something special, it would be letting down all the random people that said i was the funniest person they have ever met, and it would have been letting down all my family and friend, all the people who always stood next to me and was happy for me no matter what i did.

The truth is....i was never happy. And I'm still right struggling with it. See i always took pleasure in making other people happy, and making others laugh and making other people feel better about a bad day, even if mine was shit. And that was all the time, i have what i like to call "The Chris Farley Syndrome". Chris Farley used to go out on a set of a movie, and give his all(much like i do every time i go out), making people laugh, making people smile, but when he went home he was empty, and lonely. There are quick fixes for both, but they fade away just as fast as they came.

I was at my deepest, and lowest point in my mental state when i made the choice to go one way and not the other. I'm opening up and telling you all this,because i want to let people know that when you are down, and when you are out, there is always another option, there is always someone there to tell you "you can do it". Even with it being only over a month since i started it, it brings tears to my eyes to think about the moment, the one moment i could have said goodbye to everything i knew, and in that one moment i called a friend. I called a friend who has always been positive in my eyes, a friend that over the past 4 years i have grown to respect so much, and now a friend who i can call a brother. It was his voice, it was his encouragement that brought me back down, and made me realize this was possible. With Noah's words and his attitude it changed how i thought, and how i felt. Noah is my saving grace, he is my angel. I will never be able to thank you enough Noah, but i feel like the end result and the bond we forge will be enough.

Since i started this Quest, so many people have contacted me via facebook, or txt, or emails. Telling me how much i inspire them, this means so much to me. If 2 months ago you told me one day i will inspire people, i would have made some wise ass remark and shrugged it off. All of you backing me up, thank you, and know that I'm not letting myself down and in doing that, I'm not letting you down.

I ran my best mile today, and its only getting faster. In the spring i have challenged my stepfather to a marathon race. 26.2 miles, and he has been in the army for over 20 years. My plan is to beat him, even if its by one minutes or one second, that's my plan.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Week 6: Day 2

I know it has been a while since i have updated my blog and i apologize for that. It has been a crazy last few days. Ever since thanksgiving i have been running around like a turkey with my head cut off. But I'm happy to say that I'm back and better than before. This past weekend, i did go down into the city and i did party hardy for my good friends birthday. I did cheat a little bit, but honestly nothing crazy, i had rum and diet cokes all night, and then tried eating something at the diner but i couldn't eat it all.

So today is Tuesday, and Timmy and I are going to planet fitness to get a PF Black Card, so we can do more things at more locations. I had a membership not to long ago, but i canceled it because i just wasn't going. This time its different, i have a reason to go, and i have the drive to do so. I'm very excited to get this going on at the gym, and to be able to go there whenever i want is such a perk. Chances are I'm going to be going a lot with Tim, but i have absolutely no problem going alone.

As of the end of last week i have lost another 2lbs, which puts me at 23lbs total loss so far. So after five weeks of eating right and fitness training, i have managed to drop 23lbs of fat off my body. When i look in the mirror i can notice a slight difference, but when i was in the city, everyone kept coming up to me and telling me how good i was looking. After hearing everyone say that to me, makes me want to keep going, and go harder. The next time people see me, i want them to be shocked at what they see, i want them to maybe not know exactly who i am at first.

So far today i have only had breakfast, it is after all only 10:45am. But i will be having a snack in an hour or a little more.

Breakfast: Weight Control Oatmeal

Later today, I'm going shopping for the week. yippie.

Thanks for hanging in with me everyone, and i hope this holiday season brings you all cheer and good fortune.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Week 5: Day 3-4

Happy Thanksgiving to all followers. Today is a big day for me, and its a big test for my will power. Although my cheat day is Saturday for Mikey's B-day party, I'm going to have a good time, because i know tomorrow i will be back at it.

I'm not going to go overboard and eat everything on the table, but i will eat thanksgiving dinner. Perhaps some turkey, some veggies, and maybe if i feel lucky a slice of pumpkin pie. I know that i can't go crazy because my mind/body will not let me. For example, last night when i came home from the movies with Timmy, i looked in my fridge and saw left over pizza. I looked at it for like 5 mins before making the choice to take a bit, and as I'm chewing it i got sad "how could i do this right now, I'm better than this" so i spit it out, and threw it away. Then for some reason i looked back in the fridge and saw the other half of my turkey sandwich, and figured "well if I'm gonna cheat, ill cheat with something healthy" after taking one bite, i went through the same process and didn't even swallow that bite.

I'm starting to realize just how strong i can be when it comes to cheating and bad food. I feel like for once in my life I'm in control of my eating habits. Its a good feeling. I do have some bad news, for some reason my big toe is feeling as though I'm having another Gout attack. so last night i drank almost a full gallon of water, and it feels a little better today. But i still have a giant blister on the bottom of my foot. ouchy!

Tomorrow I'm back to work, working hard, because Saturday I'm going to the city.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, this year I'm thankful for all the people that have stuck by my side, I'm thankful to have the best friends a person could be blessed with. This morning when i woke up, i prayed to a god that i don't believe in, and thanked him for all of you. Without you, this wouldn't be possible. So thank you.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Week 5: Day 2

Late night you ask? yes late night. I couldn't go to sleep last night. I ended up getting some sleep around 4:30am, only to have to wake up at 8:20am to drive my mother to work. After dropping her off, i came back and was not feeling well at all, i believe i might have a head cold or something. Went to my bed and only laid down for another hour. Got up and make some breakfast.

Breakfast: Oatmeal and Water.

After that i rested a little bit, and then had to go get my mother from work and bring her to the airport. So when i got home around 2:45pm i made myself lunch. Still not feeling good i only had a little bit for lunch and just did things around the house.

Lunch: Chicken, Brown rice, bottle of water.

Dinner time was short and nice. I'm home alone, so it was the first time in a long time i had some peace at dinner time. After that i took a shower, and get dressed to go for jog. i plan on going at 8pm, and going from the bottom of my street to the intersection in the middle of my town and back. Should be a test, but with no pain, there is no gain.

Dinner: 2 eggs on whole grain bread, with a bottle of water

I plan on coming home after, having a banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter, taking a shower, and then relaxing and trying to get a good nights rest. Maybe getting some sleep will help with this sick feeling.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Week 5: Day 1

After the long and very fun week in New Paltz, i come home to a place that reminds me of an old me. Reminds me of the lazy, sluggish, and "who cares" me. This is no more, I'm different, and i have changed. It was not just the week in New Paltz that changed me, i was changed before that, but it did take me getting away to realize how much i did need to get away.

While in New Paltz, i did not hit my goal, i did get a great number. I lost another 6lbs while working out with Noah. Today i Googled what 1lb of fat looked like, and wow i was very shocked to see exactly how big and how gross it looked. And for me to lose 6lbs of fat, well that just put the biggest smile on my face. So as of right now I'm 20lbs lighter than i started, and 60 away from my suggested goal. The suggested goal, is just a goal i set for my mind. I know that once i get there, i will keep going, but sometimes i feel better giving myself stepping goal. Because i always figured one thing is always a stepping stone to something so much greater.

So now back home, I'm going to try and keep the same regiment that Noah provided me with last week. I do not have such places like the "rail trail" or a bike just yet. So i will have to push even harder around the hills of cold spring. Which I'm actually looking forward to, and also buying a bike sometime in the near future.

Today was a good day, i work up at 9am, had 2 eggs boiled on whole grain bread, with a banana. For lunch i had chicken on whole grain bread and a water. For a small snack in between lunch and dinner i had 2 handfuls of peanuts. One thing i have to do this week is go shopping, need to get more peanuts,oatmeal,chicken,and bread. Tonight I'm going to be doing a weight lifting regiment that Noah and I did at the rock gym. i will do that regiment 2-3 times a week. Then get a good nights sleep, wake up early tomorrow and go for a nice walk/jog.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Week 4: Day 4

Today was a good day, and we got up early to get started. Not crazy early but early enough to make a full day of it. Noah unfortunately had classes today, so i was going to go for a walk/jog at 3pm so by the time i got back he would be home and we could work out together.

Lucky for my he got out of his last class, so we were able to go on the rail trail together. Being with someone like Noah will always push me to do more, and to go that extra mile or sprint that extra 50 yards or lift that extra 20lbs. I relate it to a "if" such as: if i worked for a family member i would go out of my way and go extra hard for them because its family, and you always want to do the right thing by the right people. See Noah is going out of his way, and spending his time with me to make me a better person, that alone is something that not many people are willing to do. But along this process so many people have contacted me telling me that if I needed them, they would be there for me. That means so much, and i want to thank you all.

So today we went for a 4+ mile walk with interval light jogging, finished with some uphill exercises. It was amazing, and i busted my ass on the uphill workout. I will say that my dogs are barking after the walk, new sneakers is a must for the future. We came back and had some good dinner. It was chicken,brown rice, eggs, and a glass of water. i feel really good about the workout, and the week.

Tonight is another calm relaxing night. Trying to stay away from the bar/party scene til this weekend. Have a few people coming up and it should be a great time. For the next day and a half its going to be good. work hard and treat myself to a good time.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Week 4: Day 3

Wow, last night was crazy. The birthday boy def. had a great time, as did everyone else including myself. I had a few drinks, but like i have said before Diet Coke and Rum. Which even though soda is still not good, diet is better than regular. Plus is does not have high fructose corn syrup which at the moment I'm cleansing my body of.

So woke up a tad bit late today, but needed to get my 6-7 hours of sleep. Its a must if you plan on having a good workout. You need a well rested body to get the best from yourself. So right after Noah and I woke up we had a quick breakfast, and then it was off to play some golf.

Golf was fun, and it was actually pretty nice weather out, and I'm played relatively well. We ate some lunch on the 7th hole. A chicken breast with white american sandwich was on the menu and it was a delight. I'm starting to accept smaller portions with a more filling feeling. Its very interesting, because i used to eat till i did not feel well, as now I'm eating to stay alive.

After golf, we came home and i got into my workout clothes on and hit the rail trail over here in New Paltz. It was a nice trail, but very soon it got dark and i had to turn around, so i went up a road and made it to a main street where i could run on the sidewalk. I was able to run for a good amount of time. Total distance of walk/run 3.5 miles. Tomorrow morning I'm going to bump that up to at least 5.

Getting to bed early, and getting a good start on tomorrow.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 4: Day 1&2

So like i said in my previous blog, I'm in New Paltz right now. I will be up here for a week spending some great time with Noah, and learning to push myself to that next level with both health and fitness. It is going to be a great week for both of us, discovering new boundaries and walls that we can overcome, and since we are together it will benefit us both.

Last night when i arrived at 9:45, went right to the place that Noah works at. Its a inside rock climbing park. But upstairs Noah had everything set up for me to start my training. We had a routine to go through, and it was intense to say the least. i have not worked that hard all around since football. I guess you don't know until you put yourself to the test. He worked me hard for an hour, and then we called it a night went back to his apartment and had scrambled eggs and toast with natural peanut butter. i later asked him why we ate when we came home, he said that after working out its essential to get some carbs and protein in your system for your body to use. **note taken**

Today I had a great breakfast of Oatmeal, and some raw peanuts and a glass of Emerald Balance. Emerald Balance is a new thing that im drinking, because i don't eat a lot of vegetables(because i do not like them) this one glass of Emerald Balance gives me a full days serving of Fruits and Veggies. In the afternoon, Noah took me on this amazing hike, up the mountain. We started at what people called "The StairMaster"....(me taking a breath). This alone was so tiring, it was roughly 60 stone steps up a very steep incline, and we did it at a good pace. Then we walked on the trail for 2 miles one way, and 2 miles back. On the way back Noah had me do some high explosive sprints up the a rock hill. I was able to get 4. That i will most def. bump up by the end of the week.

It really felt great to push and work my body to the point that i have not been to in a long time. We came home and had a good snack, and then Noah made a great dinner of chicken, brown rice, raisins, and salad.

Tonight i will be going out and celebrating a good mans 21st birthday. no worries, I'm going soft tonight. Back to work tomorrow.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Week 4

Today is Monday November 16, 2009. This is now week four since i started this journey, and I'm in full-time. I have not updated my blog in three days, I'm sorry to all those who have been keeping a close eye on me. This past weekend was crazy, went out and had a great time with all my friends in New Paltz, NY. I cut loose, but still stuck in there around the healthy mind set. When i did drink, it was always Rum and Coke, but this past weekend. I drank Rum and Diet Coke, i know a lot of you are still thinking that either way soda is bad for you, and your right it is. But considering i have not drank soda in a long time, i feel like I'm allowed to at least have a few drinks. Its nice to cut loose, after being on such a strict regiment all week long.

So starting tonight and for the rest of the week i will be spending my time in New Paltz, staying with my good friend Noah. He is going to be my own personal trainer for the week. Its a chance for me to get out of the routine I'm in, in this town, and do something somewhere else, under better supervision. I'm hoping for somewhat of a boot camp style time, i know it sounds crazy but i have a goal set for the next two weeks and i will stop at nothing to get there. It is going to be a good time, and I'm very happy.

I will keep you all posted on my progress through the week. I will have my computer so i can keep my blog going. I hope you are all still enjoying the blog/group on


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 18

Today was a full day of work for me. I woke up pretty early to get a nice jump on the day and get a full days worth of work done, both at home and on my body. I ate very well today, I'm trying out some new tea's as well. I'm enjoying Tazo Green Tea, Stash Premium Green Tea, and also Lipton Green Tea w/ Cranberry&Pomegranate. So far my choice has just been the straight up Green Tea, not a big fan of adding all those flavors. Also when I'm feeling a little low on energy i add a teaspoon of 100% All Natural Honey.

Like i said today/tonight is and will be a good day/night for me as far as fitness goes. Today i did Wii Fit Boxing Trainer, which actually is a very legit, and very exhausting exercise program. After doing that 3 times, i went for a "Island Run" which is basically: you run in place and have to keep up with a trainer in front of you. If you stop running so does the screen, so you must keep running to complete the level. I ran for 12 minutes, and i was def sweating my butt off. The Wii Fit Program is a great platform for times that are too cold outside. You can work on stretching, aerobics, and balance. Tonight i will be going for a light jog through my route that i planned out on and then going for a walk to cool down, which shouldn't be hard seeing as though its 47 degrees out. Below is a picture of my route through that is linked to my sneakers.


Breakfast: Weight Control Oatmeal, and a water.

(small snack)

Lunch: Chicken breast, yellow rice, and a water.

Dinner: (again) Chicken breast, yellow rice, handful of peanuts and a water.

*When i get home from my run i will throw back 2-3 handfuls of peanuts and a piece of fruit*

Tomorrow i weight myself in the morning, I'm scared and excited to see the progress. I know that this takes time and I'm not going to lose 30lbs in a week, but seeing progress is a reward for a weeks work. Should be interesting.


Day 18

Today was a full day of work for me. I woke up pretty early to get a nice jump on the day and get a full days worth of work done, both at home and on my body. I ate very well today, I'm trying out some new tea's as well. I'm enjoying Tazo Green Tea, Stash Premium Green Tea, and also Lipton Green Tea w/ Cranberry&Pomegranate. So far my choice has just been the straight up Green Tea, not a big fan of adding all those flavors. Also when I'm feeling a little low on energy i add a teaspoon of 100% All Natural Honey.

Like i said today/tonight is and will be a good day/night for me as far as fitness goes. Today i did Wii Fit Boxing Trainer, which actually is a very legit, and very exhausting exercise program. After doing that 3 times, i went for a "Island Run" which is basically: you run in place and have to keep up with a trainer in front of you. If you stop running so does the screen, so you must keep running to complete the level. I ran for 12 minutes, and i was def sweating my butt off. The Wii Fit Program is a great platform for times that are too cold outside. You can work on stretching, aerobics, and balance. Tonight i will be going for a light jog through my route that i planned out on and then going for a walk to cool down, which shouldn't be hard seeing as though its 47 degrees out.


Breakfast: Weight Control Oatmeal, and a water.

(small snack)

Lunch: Chicken breast, yellow rice, and a water.

Dinner: (again) Chicken breast, yellow rice, handful of peanuts and a water.

*When i get home from my run i will throw back 2-3 handfuls of peanuts and a piece of fruit*

Tomorrow i weight myself in the morning, I'm scared and excited to see the progress. I know that this takes time and I'm not going to lose 30lbs in a week, but seeing progress is a reward for a weeks work. Should be interesting.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 16&17

I have been falling behind on keeping up with my blogs. My apologize for that, and its only because my life has been a little crazy as of late. I will be back on top of my game. This post will include yesterday and today.

Yesterday and Today were good days, and they were def. a bigger step in the right direction. Yesterday was the first day in a long time that i jogged. It was nice, and i did so on and off for 2 miles. This morning i woke up and was def. sore, which in my mind was actually very pleasing. In my mind, if I'm sore, it means i pushed my body. Tonight was a little different, i just went for a walk with heather, and it was nice stilled burned 500 cal.

I'm def. going to have to buy new shoes because the ones that i have now for some reason are hurting my feet, not my whole foot but where my little toe is blistered. So i will most likely go to the mall tomorrow and get a new pair of running sneakers. I'm still going to stick with Nike, because they are the only shoes that i can link to my iPod touch and track my progress.

Day 16:

Breakfast: Oatmeal, Water

(Small Snack)

Lunch: 2 Turkey Meatballs, 10 Special K crackers

Dinner: 4-5 Small strips of London Broil, Low Fat Mashed Potatoes

(Small Snack)

Day 17:

Breakfast: Boiled eggs on whole wheat, water.

Lunch: Whole wheat pasta, 4 strips of left over London Broil.

Dinner: Chicken breast, Yellow Rice, Water.

(Small Snack)after workout.

Thanks for keeping up with my blog people. It will be better as time goes on. Going to be working on a few things with someone to try and make it better. More pics, maybe some video's.

Ill keep you all posted.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 15

Wow, already two weeks have past since i started this. It is pretty amazing how time goes by. I was sitting here last night trying to think what to write, and i couldn't think of anything. All i kept thinking about was what a great person just asked me recently. "would you rather the pain of discipline, or the pain of failure" that really hit me hard. I know it has only been two weeks and some people have been doing this their whole life, but I'm not them, and they are not me, and i just want to say that all of my friends, all of the people that keep an eye on me, all of the people who believe in me. I will not let myself down, and in doing so, i will not let you down.
It has been two weeks, and i have lost a total of 14lbs, and i know its not much to some people, but its a damn good start to me. I will not/can not stop now.

Today i went for a walk early, roughly about a mile and a half total with some interval jogging involved. And it felt great, i was winded, my feet hurt, my legs were burning, and you know what. I want more of it, i want to know I'm doing the right thing, i want to be out of breath, i want to be tired, i want my body to know that its time to change.

Day 15:

Breakfast: 2 eggs boiled on whole wheat, banana

Lunch: whole wheat pasta with turkey meatball

Dinner: Chicken breast with corn and brown rice.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Days 13&14

The past two days of my life have been pretty normal. On Saturday i did go down to white plains and hung out with some good friends. I had a few drinks, and some snacks. nothing to crazy and nothing that will set me back 2 weeks. I just know by doing that, i will have to just maybe go a little harder tomorrow to work it off. No worries.
This next week coming up, i will be turning the working out to another notch. I will be doing more jogging/walking/weights. This will build muscle/stamina and eventually building muscle with burn more calories. I actually looking forward to jogging, and running. i used to do it before and liked it a lot.

So this week will be fun. Hope to drop some substantial weight. and it will be posted. Hope you all are enjoying my adventure and journey. And if you have any comments or questions feel free to ask.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 11&12

The past two days have been a little strange as far as my eating goes. i have kept up my routine, and i have been keeping the portions small, but at night i still feel hungry. that was once my biggest problem. The late night eating has completely stopped and i feel so much better about it. But i do find myself drinking almost a gallon of water a night. I don't know if that's bad or not. But i feel like its better than eating, so ill do it until someone says something else.

Day 11

Breakfast: Weight Control Cinn. Oatmeal, and peanuts

Lunch: Chicken breast with brown rice and water.

Dinner: Wheat pasta with turkey meatball.

Day 12

Breakfast: 2 pouched eggs on whole wheat, and a banana

Lunch: peanuts and an apple (was out doing things)

Dinner: Turkey Burger on whole wheat, with cream of chicken soup(1/2 cup)

I'm most likely going to treat myself tomorrow down at my friends apt tomorrow night. I'm not going to go overboard but, perhaps a few drinks and a nice snack. I believe that if i don't do that one time a week, i will crave it too much and stray from the plan. I don't have to worry about Saturday because i will be right back on track the next day. Also next week i plan on starting a little more extensive workout. light jogging, light weights, and some stretches.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 10

Day ten went well, i got up early and had a good breakfast. All day yesterday i had it in my mind that I'm going to need to start doing some more workouts, like jogging and/or hard walking. plus weights. So last night heather and i went for a walk, it was a little over a mile. its was nice. i felt good. i shall do it again tonight.

Breakfast: 2 eggs pouched whole wheat toast and water.

Lunch: Pasta , and turkey meatballs

Dinner: Chicken breast on whole wheat with white american.

All snack have been in between. i have been keeping it between 4-5 meals a day, that includes those little snacks. All portions have been small. and healthy.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 8&9

The past two days of my life/diet/workouts have been standard. I have been sticking to the regiment that i was put on and I'm going forth with it. I actually feel a lot better, meaning i have more energy, and more mind set of whats ahead. I know that this is one of the hardest things to do, and if anything it will get easier as i go along and learn more and build the will power to keep myself in check. I have so much to thank my friends for, all of you helping me and giving me advice. you have no idea how much that makes me feel loved and cared about, i have made it my goal to lose weight and be around for a while, because i know i need that, and i know you guys can't live without me.....haha ;0)

Day 8~

Breakfast: 2 eggs pouched, whole wheat toast, peanuts and water.

Lunch: Turkey on whole wheat with a banana.

Dinner: Chicken with brown rice.

Day 9~

Breakfast: Weight Control Oatmeal

Lunch: Chicken with brown rice and terryaki sauce

Dinner: whole wheat pasta with turkey meatballs.

I'm going to keep this going guys. Don't lose faith in me.

p.s. i have lost weight, but i will not mention unless asked.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 6&7

So since this weekend was Halloween weekend i knew that #1 i was gonna have a few drinkys. So with that being taken into consideration, i made sure that i did everything right leading up to that point. And honestly i only had like tops 5 drinks.

Halloween was amazing. i worked during the day. so i was able to space my meals out pretty decent. and the kid who i work for is a big health nut so it was nice to get even more info into this new lifestyle.

Breakfast: 1 egg, whole wheat, banana and water.

Lunch: turkey on whole wheat with white american, peanuts, and apple.

Dinner: Turkey burger, apple, peanuts. water.

Now as far as today goes. I haven't been in such a great mood or attitude. And honestly have no appetite and i seriously have not eaten anything. i know its really bad. but i feel sick to my stomach so i don't feel like throwing up. i will be fine tomorrow. and then hope for another great week with more improvements


Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 5

Good. That is how i would describe my fifth day with this new lifestyle. I have been now doing this for five days and i feel completely fine with it. I'm not having any real cravings and am not attracted to the old things as much. I would say one of the biggest things that is different is the night eating. Besides the fact that I'm not eating any sugar or anything bad for me. Late night eating was always there. i would come home from the bars/party and stuff my face until i passed out. Even when i didn't go out, i always had a meal at like 1am. Not doing that anymore will def. take sometime getting used to. but i have already seen i can do it.

Breakfast: 1 pouched egg on whole wheat, apple, and some peanuts, with water.

Once again after breakfast i went on the road to run a few things, and since i knew i was going to be out, i packed a baggy of peanuts and an apple for a "lunch" snack.

Dinner: 1 Turkey Burger, apple, and water.

All in all, it was a good day. i did have a few snacks here and there. always healthy, nothing bad for me. either apple, banana, or peanuts and always water. Tomorrow is Halloween, so i know I'm going to have a drink or two, but i know that Sunday i will be back on it and work it off.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 4

OK, so day four was a good one. i feel like it was a start to a newer straighter path for health and fitness. After all the info that both Noah and Mike provided me with the day prior. i feel like i put some of those pieces into my day today. I ate four times today, all small, but healthy portions. It def was a good day.

Breakfast: 1 pouched egg, apple, 100% cranberry juice, handful of peanuts.

Lunch: Turkey with cheddar(half sandwich) on whole wheat, apple, peanuts and water.

I ended up skipping dinner but ate two small snacks. did not have time for dinner was running around so i had 2 apples and peanuts, and water, and juice. I know thats not alot, but it was something to keep me going. For the next few weeks, I'm going to try and stay away from most sugars. which means no juices, etc. This will be a test indeed. Ill keep you all posted. For now I'm going to do some light weights and then drink some tea and relax.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 3

Starting day three was good. I woke up early and got started on my day early which was nice. I knew that waking up early on a day that i did not have work and was rainy out would lead me to feel tired and sleepy, so i tried my best to stay away. Although i did take a 20Min's cat nap in the afternoon.

Breakfast: Honey Nut Cheerios and Banana

After breakfast, and good friends stopped by, Noah. We sat down and talked health and fitness for roughly 1 hours which was nice, and it was good to hear all the info that he had to give to me. After he had left, he wrote me down a email with an outline of what foods are good and what are not. Also saying that i should eat every 2.5-3 hours small portion meals. This will be helpful. For example, no more honey nut much sugar. So i had a banana as a snack for the in between meal.

Dinner: Turkey on Whole Wheat with Cheddar(half) and Water.

Here is the part i hate to write. When i got home my mother had made dinner for me, because i had not let her know that i had eaten already. If anyone has been there before, if you come home after you mom worked all day and then made dinner for you....YOU EAT IT. But knowing that i had eaten like almost 2 hours before i figured i would eat a small portion, which it definitely was. (one scoop of chicken and cream, and one scoop of rice). But it made her happy, that it until i told her i can't eat what she cooks anymore haha. Huge argument ensued and oh well. So tonight i shall watch the Yankee game, perhaps some light workout.

Tomorrows goal: Wake up eat breakfast, go for a walk,eat lunch,perhaps golf, Dinner.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 2

Well day two started off just perfect. Woke up relatively early, and in good spirits. I would have to say that it was not early enough for me to eat breakfast, so i just waited about 1 hour and made myself some lunch. but since i wanted breakfast, i make breakfast for lunch.

Lunch: 1 slice of french toast and a banana and bottle of water. Calories:254

After lunch i actually felt good, i think it was the first time in a long time that i didn't eat 3 or 4 slices of french toast. I feel like i can get used to this small portion eating and lower calories. Some people say to eat like a small snack in between meals, i guess i can try that. So for dinner it was a fast one, i did not feel like cooking, and i was not in a good mood. so i took the left overs from last night.

Dinner: 2 little pieces of pork, and a count of 13 tortilla chips and water. Calories: Approx 600

Total Calorie Count for the Day: Approx 854

All in all, it was a good day. again i did not do any work out yet, with the day being rainy, and cold it was not suitable to go out. I'm going to attempt some arm,shoulder and back tonight with my bowflex dumbbells just to get the blood pumping.

On this post i have included a photo taken tonight of myself. I will take one photo a week.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 1

Well today was a day of high spirits and a sense of a new start. I had a problem going to sleep last night, so when i finally got to sleep at 5am, i kinda slept in this morning. I ended up getting started at about 11am. Going to try for a earlier start tomorrow. As far as food goes. Well i woke up to late for breakfast so i had lunch as my first meal.

Lunch: Honey Nut Cheerios w/Banana.

And then after lunch i went out for a bit. Well that bit ended up turning til about 8:45pm. so i had ended up having a late dinner. I hear from a lot of people that a person isn't supposed to eat after 8pm. But i felt that if i didn't eat then my body would sense it was hungry and i know bad things can happen then.

Dinner: 3 little cuts of pork, and Lettuce.

Not a big dinner, but it was something that will fill my stomach and at least hold me off till tomorrow morning. I did not do any workout's today or tonight, mainly because my foot is still hurting from the gout attack. should be close to 100% tomorrow, and hope to at least go for a nice long walk or perhaps a light jog. I'm not going to go hard, I'm going to pace myself. i felt like in the past when i pushed myself to hard to soon, i got burnt out and fell off the wagon.

Well I'm pretty happy about my day. minus the waking up late. but hope an early start tomorrow and a good day will ensue.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Mission

Starting Monday October 26, 2009. I will embark on a journey that i have taken many times before, but this time i hope to go the full distance and then some. For those who know me, I'm a big guy and even in high school when i wasn't that big i was still considered "big". Starting Monday, i plan on going down the road of diet and exercise, and getting stronger both mentally and physically. This is not going to be easy and i know that, like i said "i have been down this road before", but i feel with the help of family and friends. i truly believe i can make this happen, and i know that either way I'm going to take something good out of this.
Right now my weight is 360. My goal right now is to get to 280lbs, and i think that is a fair goal. As far as i can remember in 12Th grade i was 230lbs, and I'm a little taller and older now so adding 50lbs to that is reasonable. If and when i reach that goal, who knows i may want to go further and most likely will. This is not going to be a short term thing, this will be a life changing journey for me, one that I'm glad to bring in much needed support and advice from my friends and family. I will be updating my blog very often with day-to-day journal entries and photo blog updates. I'm going to fully open up my life to all of you and trust in you. Through this process we will be able to track my progress and see change as it happens. I will be leaving to live in Annapolis, Maryland for the month of November, i will be on my own and with full access to a gym and slightly warmer weather i will be able to get a healthy start.
I want to thank all of you before i get started. And for those in the past that have helped(you know who you are) thank you. Lets begin.